My Lists

Friday, May 27, 2016

Days with wings

I remember when I was 5 and the 8 year olds seemed soooo old and mature.  Oh, and the high-schoolers, well they were ancient....I mean they were our babysitters!

It seemed like time went sooo much slower between birth to age 18.  Then from there it's like life went into accelerate mode and I feel like, since hitting 30, it has gone warp speed.  I can't believe I'm middle aged.  I can't believe I'm old enough to have a kid graduate from college.  (I was that old about 4 years ago!)  Many of my friends do, I just got started late.

When I was 10, the 5 year olds seemed so young.

When I was 10, the 20 year olds seemed so old.

When I was 35, the 20 year olds seemed like babies!

And that's how it goes with these days of not drinking.......

Days 1 - 7 DRAGGED!!  Longest week of my life.

Days 8 - 14 moved a bit faster.  Day 30 looked way the hell far off.

By the time I got to Day 30 I thought, hmm, that wasn't so horrible.

Day 100 is like my viewing age 90 from age 40.....way the heck out there still.

I'm sure (I don't know yet) that the Day 100 club looks back at us Day 30'ers and chuckles..."oh they think they are so grown up, think they know everything about this non-drinking stuff....oh what they don't know...."

And probably those who are in the year+ club just sigh watching all of us blog and go through our ups and downs with a knowing smile.

I'm counting weeks now, not days!



  1. I love this! And it's a good ego equalizer because I do think I know so much now. And I really don't. Well put!

  2. So true about time doing funny things HD! I count in months now. One day it'll be years. Then we'll forget to count at all.


  3. Yes indeed, I think you have captured this in a nutshell. From someone definitely still in the counting days stage.

  4. I count everything!
    Well, not seconds anymore!
    The only thing I hate about counting?
    It means I am that many days older!!

  5. Thank you for this post- I love it. SO perceptive. You are really seeming to grow into your sobriety. I feel that way, too. You must be getting close to Day 40 now! Much love and happy weekend to you :)!

  6. So true, I'm trying not to count, but the weeks fly by in life. When drinking I would often pledge not to drink until the weekend...longest week ever!

  7. I love your analogy! I too think of all of those way ahead of me in their sobriety and it seems so very far away! xo

  8. At some point you just stop counting...I will celebrate 3 years later this year.
    But the issues always seem familiar.
    I remember the hard days.

    Keep living one day at a time. They add up fast!

  9. Very true! I'm trying not to count as I want it to just be who I am.. But that first stretch is definitely the hardest!

  10. So true! I remember when I started 100 days seemed like an eternity! But you get there quick enough and then you have to think about what happens next. 6 months used to seem like forever but now that I'm here if feels like it's flown! Time sure is a funny thing! A x
