My Lists

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Anxiety Dreams

Day 15

Well, I finally had my version of the dream that others have blogged about.  Now, I had a FEW anxiety dreams last night to include losing dogs I was dogsitting so it did seem to be a theme...

But I actually had a dream that I was sitting down with family and felt I had to have a glass so as to not admit that I was "not drinking".  (This is obviously related to my prior Day 14 where I started drinking again for the same reason..... different family though in this dream.)

I had a full glass and then left the second mostly full.  Then, also in my dream, I awoke the next morning so upset with myself for having to start all over again.  I was sooo angry about being at Day 1 again and I hadn't even really enjoyed enough wine to make it worth it.

I was never so relieved as to when I "really" woke up and realized it was a dream.  I didn't have to start over!

This dream indicates a few things to me:

1) I am still very anxious about telling others that I don't drink
2) I really am not ready to drink again (as if I will ever be)
3) I would be terribly disappointed if I started again now.  Those feelings were so real in my dream.
4) I clearly still want too much wine or I wouldn't have been bummed to only have had a glass

I found it interesting that I didn't feel "yay, look at me, I moderated and only had a glass plus a few sips."  I think that's a sign that I am nowhere near ready to go back to drinking.  (Yes, I'm still not quite ready to close that door but I know 100% I'm not ready to even consider the debate of abstinence or moderation right now.)

Hooray for dreams.

I remember so many past Mothers Days with too much wine/champagne flowing.  It's especially strange to think of never having champagne again...I never really liked it that much so never drank too much of it but I know it would be a gateway drink...oh well, not going to deal with that right now.

On to enjoying a peaceful AF Mothers Day here in the western U.S.A.



  1. I still am always chasing a drink in my dreams. No matter what the plot of who's there, I am looking for a bar or cooler or server to get me a drink. I am often sneaking around as well, trying to hide it in coffee cups. I think it proves what I suspected and should have known -- my brain is (still) saturated with thoughts of alcohol and I must let them die away for good. They are no longer welcome here. ; )

  2. Dreams are strange, they can feel so real! Congrats on day 15. A x

  3. Congrats and Happy Mother's Day!!

  4. I'm not a fan of champagne either - that won't be hard to give up even it means being the odd one out during a toast! It's so strange that it has become the drink of celebration. My dreams have become less vivid since I stopped drinking which is a massive relief. I hope you had a happy Mothers Day xx
