My Lists

Thursday, June 7, 2018

June 7

Made it through the dreaded Wed night. 

Still not doing so great re food but I realized why you don't try to quit everything at once because you have to be left with something that still gives good endorphin release until you find something else to replace it. 

I'm working on the exercise thing.  I am feeling better about exercise and look forward to my training sessions.  I can only imagine becoming addicted to, do I aspire to that.  Patience, patience... 

Quitting in the month of June isn't really testing me that much because it really is medical report card month.  If I get a good report card, then continuing on not drinking in July will be the real test.  This month I have annual blood draw, annual PAP and annual mammo.  I admit to being a bit nervous on all fronts but no point stressing until I need to, I guess.

Day 7 already.  Wow.


  1. What a coincedence, I just did my mammo and PAP and they came back good. Now my blood work was a different front in terms of cholesterol and triglycerides, which were high, but I chalk it up to all the sweets I've been eating. This is the next nut to crack, getting control with my food choices. But at least, I'm not drinking, for that I am grateful. Keep going!

    1. Yes, I'm very curious how "off" my cholesterol and triglycerides will be this year.....stay tuned!

  2. Yes. Quitting everything at once is just too hard.
    And our goal is not to make life hard or unpleasant. It’s to make it simple and easy.

    Small changes. Don’t drink. See what happens.

    1. Drinking is like part of the trifecta for me. If I don't make some changes in all areas, I'll get depressed and it's too easy to go back to unhealthy drinking. I need accomplishments in other areas to then sustain me through the cravings.

  3. It is hard to quit everything at once. I know I didn't worry too much about what I ate when I first got sober. If I wanted peanut m and m's, I ate them.
    Now, I am working on eating a bit better!
    Yay on day 7!

    1. I love how you and Anne are always in sync! :-) Thanks for all your support as always!

  4. Go easy on yourself! No alcohol is the main thing. And to remind you, it’s not a punishment. If you just focus on that and do a bit of exercise, eventually everything else will fall into place. The time it takes is the time it takes. Try not to put too much pressure on yourself.

    1. Ha, remember I am the epitome of a quitter so I NEED to put pressure on myself, lol. My problem is I am quick to relax, indulge myself and not stress. I wish I was that person who wanted to "win". Oh well....
