My Lists

Monday, April 24, 2017

Day 9: the year blog-versary and the weigh in

A year ago I started my first real attempt at laying off wine and at blogging.  Of course then it was a Sunday and now this year it's a Monday.

Interesting that I finally got motivated again, at almost the same time of year, to do another extended period of abstaining.  Must be a seasonal thing. Or the fear of bikini season looming.....

The cool thing is that from this point forward, for 125 days anyway, I can remember that this time last year I wasn't drinking.  I got through whatever I faced then so I should be able to do it again now!  No excuses!

I weighed in yesterday for the first time since 11/7/16.  I was really scared to do it but turns out I had only gained 3lbs, felt like way more based upon where the extra weight sits. So grateful.

Seeing that number gave me hope that I could do a few things, make small changes and gradually get the weight off.

I was even motivated enough to go for a walk on a weekend!

If I drink every day, and that would usually mean too much with a few exceptions, I probably drink 230-300 calories in wine.  My mocktail has 30 cal in each glass so if I drink 2 or 3 (most times 1) then I'm at 60 to 90.  Big improvement!

I'm going to try and make one small change per week, adding to the previous week's changes.  Nothing big.  Last week was no alcohol.  I will continue that and, except for the first and last cup of tea of the day, I'm going to try and drink tea with no Stevia. I really want to wean myself off sweetener.

I'm noticing my drive for sweets abating a bit.  Yesterday I never reached for cookies nor chocolate and ate fairly healthy.  I'll probably eat a hoard of chocolate later today but it was nice to realize I had a good day anyway.



  1. Happy anniversary for your blog! I really liked being able to look back on my blog and read what I was doing and going through this time last year. I agree with you, knowing you can get through x days sober helps with resilience next time you go for a sober period. I like your idea of making small weekly changes and I think I will try and focus on that as I seek to (again!) improve my diet. Xx

    1. Thanks, I tried to eliminate Stevia today and was unsuccessful. I think I'm switching to just splitting the packet in half as a start!

  2. It's good having the blog to look back on. It's funny that you chose the same time of year to start. As they say small changes add up, so go you. Except perhaps don't put too much pressure on yourself.

    1. Again, I think it's the clothing issue that seems to be most motivating at this time of year. That and my annual physical is always in May. ;-)

  3. Forget about weaning off anything. Just don't drink.
    Next year you can consider the next change.

    Sobriety is a HUGE change to make.
