My Lists

Monday, May 16, 2016


Day 23

I suppose trading habits is par for the course in this process.

I feel as if I've made some major trades lately...

1) I've traded Facebook for these blogs.  Facebook does have a tendency to make you feel that the rest of the world is having so much fun and life is perfect for everyone else.......and makes me feel that I'm boring and not nearly as accomplished.  This sober universe is full of people struggling to break free of alcohol or at least to break free of old patterns of alcohol abuse.  I check Fbook much less frequent now and my friends probably think I'm ignoring them!

2) I've traded alcohol for chocolate.  I caught myself taking a few extra squares of chocolate the other day - oops.  I best be careful here or I will start abusing that as well!

3) I've traded my "fun" evenings for more steady ones.  I know this is good, I just still miss the initial zoning out part of cocktail hour. I like my sparkling water but right now it's still not the same.  I don't miss what followed the cocktail hour though!

4) I've traded being a lump on a log to working out and switching from Splenda to Stevia in my tea.  (Btw, if Stevia is bad too, let me I am thinking I am making progress...)  (I gained a pound this week but I'm blaming muscle!)

I feel like a wimp for being bummed that I might not be able to have wine again....ever.  There are people who need to be gluten free and they do it.  People who give up sugar and they do it.  Diabetics who have to watch their diet like a hawk, and they do it.  Amputees who have lost limbs and their "forever" has changed as well.  Realizing that wine just isn't for me shouldn't be that big of deal in the context of challenges others face.

I guess it's like dieting.  A diet is great but unless you change deep down habits of eating, the weight loss is unsustainable.  But I must remind myself that the habits don't change overnight.  HabitDone was my choice for a name but breaking a habit doesn't happen quickly.

I'm slowly making that changes so that, at some point, I hope I don't feel like I'm dieting anymore and that I have transitioned to a new way of living.

When I read blogs from those further ahead, it certainly seems do-able if I can hang in there!  I write this post to remind myself of this.



  1. Hi HD...I too have traded FB for the blogging sober verse! I like to call it FAKEBOOK! hahaha! And, there are so many "wine" stories that come on my feed! How did they know about me?????????? I am slowly making changes too..but I am not strong enough to give up my EQUAL in my tea each morning! Not yet!!! But, your post might've inspired me to cut down! give up those sweets!!! I will try today!!! xo

    1. It seems like just as I finally make a change in sweetener, someone else tells me it's bad. I went from Sugar, to Equal, to Splenda and now to Stevia. I do think Stevia has helped with wine cravings but who knows.....I'll grab hold of whatever I can believe in at this point!!!

  2. Hi there I too am spending lots of time in the sobersphere at the moment! Getting little light bulbs all there the web.... Thank you for this:

    "I feel like a wimp for being bummed that I might not be able to have wine again....ever. There are people who need to be gluten free and they do it. People who give up sugar and they do it. Diabetics who have to watch their diet like a hawk, and they do it. Amputees who have lost limbs and their "forever" has changed as well. Realizing that wine just isn't for me shouldn't be that big of deal in the context of challenges others face."

    Really made me thing about my 'poor me' approach to being dry and is very helpful in putting it in perspective :)

    1. Glad I could help, thanks for the feedback! I don't mean to minimize that, for us, this is a big deal....but sometimes I do feel like I get overly wrapped up in this whole "quitting forever" thing and need to realign my perspective.

    2. I liked this paragraph too. It's true, we can get used to anything even if we're not that happy about the fact we have to adapt. I like the idea that I suffer from wine intolerance - it leads to excessive daily intake, low mood, poor sleep, weight gain and general despair :)

    3. Excellent, I'm going to use that line, IH, perfect!!!

  3. The Forever ever, is too hard to ponder over for too long sometimes, so I just dont think about it. Im going to keep doing what im doing. Hopefully, in 2 months 6 month or a years time you can look back at this post and think what was I worried about. Until that day just keep doing what you're doing because you are doing amazing.x

  4. Unless you are mainlining chocolate I would say take one habit at a time. Stevia has been cooped by the chemical companies too so in one respect they are all as bad for you unless you can buy it in its natural form (which conveniently they banned in the uk) I literally had to pretend I was buying it to feed to cattle *wink wink at the health food store. Just keep going HD you are learning and making progress each day.

    1. Hmmm...look at what I learn here...I have no idea if I am buying it in natural form but doubt it. I will look into this further! Thanks!

  5. Dear HD,
    You are making some great changes!
    You are right. It takes time.
    You will find, as MrsMac side, that one day you will look back and say, Wow!!

    1. Thanks, Wendy! I appreciate your support, too!

  6. I'm with you on Facebook. Dramatically reduced my time except for BFB. So many pictures of alcohol on my feed! You totally nailed it with your dieting reference. Yes, it's about looking at those deep down habits isn't it? Instead of just stopping alcohol, we have this beautiful opportunity to change our whole lives for the better. Love your blog!!!

  7. I'm with you on Facebook. Dramatically reduced my time except for BFB. So many pictures of alcohol on my feed! You totally nailed it with your dieting reference. Yes, it's about looking at those deep down habits isn't it? Instead of just stopping alcohol, we have this beautiful opportunity to change our whole lives for the better. Love your blog!!!

    1. Just kidding. I duplicated on purpose so you don't have to feel all alone with your triplicate issue :-)

    2. Haha, funny, funny :-) Thanks :-)

  8. I completely know what you mean about Facebook and preferring the vulnerability of sober sharers/writers. Chocolate is awesome, I think it is totally fine to indulge in that! I'm sure you'll mellow out on it later. We are doing this, Habit Done! Go you, moving through your Day 20's like this. You will be at 30 before you know it.

  9. Thanks, CWD!!! Appreciate your support too!

  10. I have tried facebook a few times over the years but come to the conclusion it just isn't me. I prefer the relative obscurity of blogging at this stage but its early days. I am eating luke a pig.....just gorged myself on deep fried spring rolls.....ahhhhh!

  11. I have tried facebook a few times over the years but come to the conclusion it just isn't me. I prefer the relative obscurity of blogging at this stage but its early days. I am eating luke a pig.....just gorged myself on deep fried spring rolls.....ahhhhh!

    1. I'm just glad to see someone else duplicates their comments too!!! Baby steps. I have definitely traded alcohol for some food issues but once I know I have a changed mindset, it will be time for me to focus on eating more healthy stuff!
