My Lists

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Moderation? Ha!

Day 5

I read somewhere that most alcohol has left your body in 3 days.  As I go into the evening of the 5th day I will go with that assumption for now.  I know there are conflicting opinions on this.  However, I will presume I have a clear head for reflection.  (Possibly why last night was the first night I had trouble falling asleep....some withdrawal may be kicking in!)

I think I need to separate out the "why I drink" and "why I drink TOO much".  I really feel they are separate issues.

The "why I drink" can correlate to "why I would love to have a donut", "why I would love to eat chocolate or cookies", heck, even "why I want to sit down with a good book and blow off life."  I think it's quite simply about those endorphins and serotonins being produced.  I'm probably using these words somewhat "off" but at least I understand what I mean!

Bottom line, wine makes me THINK I feel good.  So does chocolate, donuts, cookies, chips, and some activities like reading a book and, believe it or not, any paperwork requiring reconciling numbers, budgeting, etc.  Seriously, I will blow off exercise, cleaning, cooking and laundry to balance my checkbook.  I should have been an Accountant.  This is where some of you say "ok, I'm not like this gal".  No worries.  I get it.  But this is me.

In reflection, however, I have always had a tendency to binge a little.  I can remember eating an entire box of  "thin mint cookies" after school...(hmm...blamed it on my brother...they are good for that).

I can remember sneaking a tube of frosting in the grocery cart from the bakery aisle and grabbing it out of the cart at home only to slink off to my room and squirt it all down my throat.  Yikes.  Red tongue alerted Mom to that one.

I can remember Mom having to stop using children's vitamins because I started snacking on them - they tasted yummy - oops.

Now, as I got older, I got control of these things.  I can have a chocolate bar in the house and eat one square as a treat.  I no longer socialize with other sweets like donuts or frosting tubes, but I certainly love that corner piece of a sheet cake at the office party!  I get my chores done and manage to keep order in my life.  (I think I have gone off sweets because of the wine as a substitute so it will be interesting to see what sweet cravings crop back up!)

WHY do I not over indulge in things that make me feel good?  Because I have control.  These temptations which cause those neurotransmitters to activate are then tempered by my willpower.

BUT ALCOHOL KILLS WILLPOWER because it is a drug.  Duh! I am powerless if I drink a drug that does this to me.  Why do I expect different?  If someone gave me truth serum would I be surprised that I couldn't hold anything in?  No!

That is the difference I have decided.  It's my theory anyway.  For me, wine is just about feeling relaxed, feeling good....and I'm not truly stressed in the first place.  It's not a social thing which is why I think I do it mostly at home.

I think some people can overcome, battle and win against the effects of this drug.  (The same folks probably never snuck frosting into their bedroom...)...but I cannot.

As such, when taking this drug there is no way I can really win.  Seeing it as a drug helps quell my desire for it.  I will never likely be able to moderate unless I have some way to overcome the drug's effects.  Right now I don't think I can.  (Again that lack of "forever" in my writing but I'll take that for now.....)



  1. Great job on your 5th day HD! I'm still one day behind and having a bit of mood swingy-ness but just going with the flow. If I'd known that frosting in a tube existed, I would have done the same as you!

  2. I don't think we can win against it. I don't know why I drink, my only answer is because I'm addicted to it. It's not to be social, I prefer to drink at home on the couch. I wouldn't worry about forever either, its too overwhelming. Now is good. :)

  3. Yep my first addiction was sugar and my mum fed my addiction. I was huge by 12 then discovered dieting and by 13 had lost around 20+ kgs. Then came the bulimia as I had no idea how to eat normally and was petrified of gaining weight now that I had finally arrived. At 44 my relationship with food is still rocky at best. Last night after a kids party and eating 2 cupcakes I came home and spent the entire evening hoovering more chocolate and cake. I most certainly wasn't hungry and I ate in the same way I usually drink white wine. So whilst I don't feel great I feel better than if I had drank. At least HD you seem to have the sugar addiction licked - mine is still alive and well (not when drinking though - strange how wine takes its place) and it's clearly part of some OCD pattern that is a clue of deeper stuff. It's like a jigsaw puzzle isn't it! Day 5 rocks HD! Hoping I can make it through mine ok - have kids sport tonight till after 7pm so that will hopefully help though at times I've come home knackered and hankering so might just have to stuff my face with chocolate as soon as I get through the door! Interim measure of course...then the weekend...we'll be ok just have to be prepared JB xo

  4. I'm currently eating my way through early sobriety :) I've never had a sweet tooth but since giving up I seem to get through so much chocolate. It just goes to show how much sugar was in my daily wine. I'm fine with it though. Anything that makes this easier, for now, is okay by me x

  5. Thanks, all!! I had a stressful issue present itself today and it is so tempting to say "bring on the wine"...but I'm looking at my lists and saying, noooooo.....guzzle the Pellegrino!! I WILL make it to Day 6. We may be as fragile as dominoes but right now we are all standing!! Hang in there!

  6. Well done HD! As predicted I mowed through the chockies tonight (snap MrsMac) feel sick but I've made it through day 4 and day 5 dawns tomorrow. HD so many times I've used stressful moments justify my excuse to crack the wine and you surfed the urge so go you! Hang in there peeps massive virtual hugs and hi 5s all around xo

    1. Are you starting a blog....ditching the wine goggles? That's a hilarious title, love it! I love all the references to mowing, hoovering, eating my way through sobriety, etc. Even I gorged on veggie chips when I got home yesterday, then had tea and 3 squares of a Hershey Bar, but it killed the wine craving and I made it through the evening - yay!!

    2. LOL - yeah it is kind of on the back burner but yep that was the plan. WIne goggles powerful metapho for me as the vino literally changes my perspective so that things I would never consider doing/saying in real life become perfectly acceptable! Plus from around 8 until 13 I had coke bottle glasses that the other kids used to see as without them I could see very little so kind of applies in reverse there! Yeah I went crazy last night practically smashed a whole box of chocolates but today I try anew and will try to stick to nuts and fruit (yeah right!). Day of study here - believe it or not I used to think study and writing assignments were compatible with wine...oh dear. I'm stickin with you HD you're at least a day ahead of me and weekends are tough but we'll be ok. Vege chips sound like a plan also. That's a cool blog title Hoovering my way through sobriety!! Hey have you checked out Soberistas and Hello Sunday Morning - both good resources also Mrs DS is going without and sister site Living sober are great and choc full of resources. Happy Saturday HD :) xo

    3. I do get the Soberistas feed and like it, will check out the others. I read Mrs. D's book, that, along with SM blog, is really what made me realize that I have an issue with my relationship to alcohol. Oh yeh, if it makes you feel any better, I was also the kid that ate all the chocolate chip cookie dough, raw, without ever making the cookies...probably another sign of lack of ability to moderate! Happy Saturday to you too! HD

  7. sorry just realised wrote this in hater meant to say "had coke bottle glasses that other kids used to STEAL and Mrs D is going without...xo

  8. sorry just realised wrote this in hater meant to say "had coke bottle glasses that other kids used to STEAL and Mrs D is going without...xo

  9. sorry just realised wrote this in hater meant to say "had coke bottle glasses that other kids used to STEAL and Mrs D is going without...xo
